Lets create an app from the command line.
heroku create roppa
Thats it. Next though we need to create a git repo and push it to heroku. Lets start with git:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
Next we need to create a heroku remote.
heroku create
Lets confirm everything is up on the heroku end by running
git remote -v
So the name that you get is important. We need to add the heroku remote before we can do anything useful:
heroku git:remote themadeupnamethatherokugivesyou
Great, now we can go ahead and deploy what we got:
git push heroku master
Lets set up an instance of our app:
heroku ps:scale web=1
And see if it is all up and running:
heroku open
Next, have a look at this article. And also setting up continuous deployment to heroku with Travis.