Data, Logic, Sanity, and Reasoning

I've had a few discussions with friends recently about 'Fake news' and what can be done about it. This is a deep deep question with many ramifications. Especially when you are dealing with humans. Here I'm endeavouring to delineate some of my aquired knowledge on the subject of logic, reasoning, sanity, fact, and opinions.

As our universe is based on dichotomies. Truth, lies, sanity, insanity. By establishing the ways in which things become illogical one can then establish what is logical, and vice versa.


a premise of an argument; to form conclusions, judgments, or inferences from facts or premises. REASON depends on DATA. When DATA is faulty, the answer will be wrong and not based on fact
thinking about something in a sensible or logical way
something that can be provent to exist by visible evidence
not based on fact
someone or some organisation who provide facts and/or opinions
the subject of reasoning. A method to asses the validity of something
sound basis in fact
The general state based on available data
the state or fact of remaining the same one or ones, as under varying aspects or conditions
the condition of being oneself or itself, and not another.
condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is.
the state or fact of being the same one as described.
exact likeness in nature or qualities.
an instance or point of sameness or likeness. The fact of being what something is.
Sanity (and intelligence)
is the ability to recognise similarities, differences, and identities
Insanity (and stupidity)
The opposite of sanity; insanity would be no ability to recognise similarities, differences, or identities

How can things become illogical?

  1. Leave out a fact
  2. Change the sequence of events
  3. Leave out the time
  4. Add a lie
  5. Alter importance

Therefore logic must have these conditions:

  1. All relevant facts must be known
  2. Events must be in actual sequence
  3. Time must be properly noted
  4. The data must be factual - valid and true
  5. Relative importances must be recognised by comparing facts with what one is seeking to accomplish or solve

In computing we have RIRO - Rubbish In Rubbish Out. Same thing. Logic concerns finding answers, and answers depend on data. Determining the value of the data is the first step. You must be able to prove or disprove the data you use in logi, or you will get faulty answers.

With this understanding, and understanding dichotomies, if we were 'merchants of havoc' (those with an intention to cause chaos) we could intermediate between two parties, use one or more of the above alteration methods, and therefore enturbulate any two people/s. The British did this to Ireland (Protestant and Catholics against each other), and the US has done to South America and the Middle East (terrorists vs freedom lovers).

So if you can use the above 5 ways to enturbulate a situation, you can use the same 5 to identify what is wrong with a situation. In order to do that you need to analyse the data.

Data analysis

As we ourselves are exposed to many streams of data, we need to be alert to what is fact and what is lies. The way to analyse data is to use the 5 points above and see if they appear in the data.

The less data you have the more precise the analysis must be.


Using the above 1-5 methods for the establising of fact you must have:

  • a flow of data
  • an ability to observe the data
  • trigger an alarm when there is an indication of an out-point
  • ability to do a data analysis
  • ability to obtain more information
  • implement a way to handle